
Whether you’re just starting your career or are hoping for a professional change, mentorship could be the answer.

Mentoring a friend, co-worker or fellow student can be both encouraging and supportive. Giving invaluable feedback to individuals that are a part of the mentoring experience in order to receive and give life lessons can help them grow personally and in their professional career. Here are a few ways someone can learn about finding a mentor and more importantly make the most of it. 

How to Find a Mentor

Supportive friendships (and coworker relationships) go a long way toward success in life. A designated mentor serves the same function for your career. Yet it’s sometimes tough to find a person willing to mentor you, especially if you don’t have many professional connections.

One way to find a mentor is through networking. You might know professionals from college, certificate programs, or even your high school. Connecting with people in your chosen field through education or other affiliations could be helpful.

Another way to find a mentor is through established mentorship programs. Many professional organizations offer mentorship programs, and you can find a mentor using search tools online. 

Coaching vs. Mentorship

Coaching is often compared to mentorship, so it’s important to understand both before hiring a coach over partnering with a mentor. A coach (who clients typically pay) may support your professional goals and offer guidance. They work for you as long as your contract stipulates, usually a few months.

A mentor, in contrast, is more like a friend but one who canshare expertise from your industry to support your growth. Mentor-mentee relationships can last years, as there is no cutoff or paycheck involved. However, acknowledging that most mentorships eventually end will help you prepare for growth on your own.

If you choose a mentor and still want some additional professional guidance or development, look at online training courses that address the specific skills you want to improve. There are many different options that cover plenty of business appropriate topics, so you’re sure to find what you need.

How a Mentor Helps

Working with a mentor doesn’t guarantee success, but it’s an excellent way to learn and explore new ideas. A mentor can help you develop new skills, start a job search, and even earn a promotion.

For the best odds at landing the job of your dreams, create a stellar resume and keep it updated. With a professionally-designed template (and custom colors, images, and copy) plus the critical eye of your mentor, your resume will look its best—and be ready to help you land new opportunities.

A mentor can also help with your job search by supporting a new career plan or role-playing scenarios that help you negotiate a raise or promotion. A mentor can often connect you with others in your field or industry, and you never know where that could lead!

Make the Most of Your Mentorship

To make the most of your mentorship, be consistent, open-minded, and positive. Commit to the experience and dedicate time to spend not just with your mentor but also working on the goals you set together.

Prioritizing the mentorship relationship requires more than going through the motions. Keeping an open mind means mentorship can increase your self-awareness, Progress notes, and help you reflect inwardly.

If you’re both fully invested, the mentorship experience should be rewarding for your mentor, too. They can learn new things, practice their skills, and even bulk up their resume. Of course, being a good mentee is instrumental in ensuring your mentor has an enjoyable experience.

Be a Good Mentee

Taking your mentorship seriously is the best way to be a good mentee. Your responsibilities as a mentee can vary depending on who you work with, but in general, a positive attitude and flexibility are essential.

Offer to meet in areas with high walk scores so that you can have a casual walking meeting. Doing something together instead of just sitting down in an office or cafe can make conversation easier. So take that coffee to-go and enjoy a stroll together.

BetterUp suggests that mentees should be coachable, listen actively, and always aim to communicate clearly. Respecting your mentor’s time, opinions, and expertise ensures a strong and mutually beneficial working relationship.

Experience the Benefits of a Great Mentor

Mentorship isn’t a fix-all solution to career challenges, but it might be just what you need for personal and professional growth. Partnering with a mentor can open doors, create opportunities, and help you develop into a well-rounded employee and person—and this guide gets you started.

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Need a Mentor? How to Find One (and Enjoy the Experience)

By Alice Robertson, 7/24/2023

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