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Interview with Personal Finance Expert Patrice C. Washington

By Bridget Campos, 3/23/2015

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It's that time again that no one really looks forward to...Tax season!

If you are one of the millions of Americans that procrastinates when it comes to filing your taxes closest to the deadline (April 15), you are in luck. Best-selling author and personal finance columnist Patrice C. Washington has got you covered. She is teaming up with MyFreeTaxes.comto not only help families get the most money on their tax return, but also a chance to get their filing done for free if they qualify.

This enterprising mother and wife has shared her extensive knowledge on personal finances based on her own personal life experience of creating wealth and losing it all, only to reclaim it again. The ‘Money Maven’, as she is best known, has made many appearances on television, podcast episodes, and radio including the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the Huffington Post,, and Upscale Magazine. In an exclusive interview, I talk with Patrice as she gives practical advice on how to save money even on a tight budget and how to avoid the pitfalls of wasteful spending on your income tax return.        


For more of Patrice's money saving tips go to www.RealMoney